
Up to date Posts, tutorials, explanations, snippets, thoughts, musings, and everything else.


How to Modify your Last Commit with Git Amend

Learn how to modify your last commit using the Git Amend command.

3 min read

How to Change Your Repository's Language on GitHub

Learn how to change your repository's language detection on Github.

2 min read

How to Open a Markdown Link in a New Tab in Astro

Learn how to configure Astro to open markdown links in new tabs for better user experience.

2 min read

Rebuilding my Website with Astro

After over three years of Gatsby, I recently completed a rebuild of this site with Astro.

4 min read

How to Implement a Not Found Route in Vue 3

Learn how to handle catch-all routes and create a custom 404 page in Vue 3 applications using Vue Router 4

3 min read

Git Tip: How to Easily Switch to Your Last Known Branch

Discover a handy Git tip that allows you to effortlessly switch back to your last known branch without remembering its name

2 min read

Using Git Switch to Move Changes to a New Branch

How to move changes from a branch to another branch using Git Swtich

2 min read

Things I Want to Focus on in 2023

Towards a more pragmatic and purposeful 2023

3 min read

My Blog is Dead. Long Live my Digital Garden

2023 is the year I tend to my digital garden

2 min read

List of Technologies I Want to Learn in 2020

Improving my skills as a software developer

5 min read

Year in Review: 2019

Still not quite there yet!

4 min read

How to Hide Vue Source Map on Browser Devtools

How to disable source map or debug mode in production for Vue.js applications

2 min read

How to Run Multiple NPM Scripts Using Concurrently

How to use concurrently to run multiple npm scripts with a single script

2 min read

Things I Don't Know as of 2019 (In Programming)

List of things I haven't used

4 min read

Year in Review: 2018

Not quite there yet

5 min read

How to Display Password in a Form Input

How to use JavaScript to display or hide a password in a form.

5 min read

I Asked my First StackOverflow Question

A first timer’s experience on StackOverflow

1 min read

My First Day at LearnFactory Nigeria

A Journey to becoming a world-class developer

3 min read

My First #100DaysOfCode Experience

My experience completing my first #100DaysOfCode challenge

9 min read

Building a Project: Number Facts Generator

My experience creating my first ever project!

5 min read

#100DaysOfCode — Let’s Do This!

A challenge to help me get into the habit of coding daily

3 min read

Year in Review: 2017

The year I decided to take control of my life!

4 min read

A New Ending

I’m not giving up. I’m just starting over.

4 min read

Hello World

My very first article

3 min read